Industry Trends

Global Mobility in 2025: What Can We Expect

In 2025, global mobility is expected to become even more complex while remaining crucial for companies aiming to expand their size, global footprint, and revenue. Key focuses include international travel, visa renewals, and short-term mobility, balancing flexibility with market access. Compliance and risk management will be critical as evolving regulations and immigration laws continue to challenge companies. To navigate these complexities, mobility leaders will need to leverage technology and external support to manage the global talent pipelines efficiently. These challenges and solutions will define global mobility trends in 2025.

Key Areas of Global Mobility Focus in 2025:

Geopolitical Considerations

Companies will need to factor in geopolitical instability and potential travel restrictions when planning global market access strategies. Additionally, many countries around the world experienced regime-changing national elections, with several taking a new look at how expatriate workforces are handled.

New U.S. Administration

The 2024 U.S. presidential election holds significant global importance. It has a significant impact on Canada, Mexico, Europe/the UK in terms of investment markets, interest rate setting, economic fortunes, and trading agreements. The result affects international relations, especially with conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, and economic policies amid high government debt. As the largest economy, U.S. actions shape global markets, trade, and migration trends.

Increased Compliance Focus

As regulations change, companies will need to prioritize compliance with local laws regarding employment, taxes, social security, and immigration across different regions. Effective work visa sponsorship strategies will be crucial to ensuring compliance. Leveraging global HR compliance tools will help navigate these complexities.

Office Location Cost-of-Living

Companies will increasingly assess their geographic locations and consider relocating entire offices or specific departments to areas with a lower cost of living. Utilizing relocation cost optimization strategies and calculator digital solutions relocations can guide these decisions.

Cost Containment vs. Employee Experience

Companies will continue to struggle with cost-vs-employee experience, evaluating how to best prioritize supporting employees through cultural transitions while providing comprehensive relocation/assignment support at a cost that supports company goals and employee experience. Embracing sustainable global mobility practices and investing in intercultural training will ensure balance.

Talent Acquisition, Retention, and Growth

Global mobility is still and will always be a key tool for attracting, retaining, and growing top talent by offering cross-border assignments and career development opportunities. Effective expat workforce management and robust global talent pipelines will be essential to strategic workforce planning.

Hybrid Work Models

Companies continue to struggle to find the right balance of employee work models (onsite, remote, or both). To find an appropriate balance, global mobility strategies may need to adjust to flexible work arrangements that facilitate permanent transfer, long-term assignments, and shorter-term assignments with adaptable work locations. Clear remote work policies will further align these strategies.

Digital Transformation

Companies will likely rely more on technology platforms to manage the complex logistics of global mobility, including visa applications, relocation services, and compliance checks. Mobility programs will look to digital tools, such as global workforce management software, to provide cost savings while retaining the services in the relocation benefit packages. Tools like ROI calculator digital solutions and relocation guides can also drive efficiency.

Upskilling for Cloud and AI Tools

Cloud and AI technology help teams across time zones collaborate effectively, enabling global talent access. These tools are now central to global operations. Remote teams use platforms like Microsoft Teams for seamless collaboration and storage. AI is a priority for improving efficiency and streamlining processes. Global mobility teams must use workforce planning and forecasts to keep up.

Broadening Scope

Global mobility is growing more complex but essential as companies expand globally. With streamlined workforces, HR teams need external support and advanced technology. Visa renewals are key for global talent distribution, and mobility partnerships are crucial for cost control. Employee mobility programs and relocation guides will ensure success.

In 2025, international growth will drive expansion, highlighting cross-border mobility as a key focus of global mobility trends in 2025. Stronger mobility budgets will support this shift. Once the dust settles after Q1 2025, companies will reassess and reinvest in their employee relocation programs and policies, ensuring they are prepared for the future of work mobility.