5 Essential Topics to Include in a Global Assignment Letter of Understanding

To ensure the success of a global assignment, it is crucial for employers to create a well-crafted global assignment letter of understanding. This document should clearly outline the important details and benefits of the assignment, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
Once the letter of understanding addresses specific information regarding the scope of the assignment, it can delve into the specifics of the employer’s global mobility policy and explain the benefits the employee will receive.
Explain Your Global Mobility Policy
Summarize the relevant portions of your global mobility policy that apply to the employee. This should include information on relocation expenses, moving household goods, tax implications and assistance, immigration, and housing and settling-in assistance. These aspects often carry significant costs and may cause stress for the employee.
Relocation Expenses
When writing the letter, review your policies to determine relevance to the employee. While you should not copy your policy verbatim, you should summarize:
- Specific expenses and the amounts the company pays for directly
- Types of expenses eligible for reimbursement, along with any limits. Note whether the employee will need to document each expense, submit a consolidated summary, or receive a lump sum amount for miscellaneous expenses
- Ongoing allowances for specific benefits
- Expenses the employee bears responsibility for paying
- Repayment agreement terms
Moving Household Goods
Household goods shipments can constitute a significant portion of your overall global relocation expense. Moving costs can vary widely depending upon whether the employee relocates permanently or will remain on assignment for a set length of time, the distance between the current and destination locations, and family size.
Global movement of household goods will typically include sea and air shipments and long-term storage. The letter of understanding should clearly outline coverage. Typical benefits include a 20-foot or 40-foot container and 500 pounds for an air shipment. Typically, employers provide long-term storage only for employees on assignment for the duration of the assignment.
Employers should also consider the cost of storage and valuation coverage for household goods. Your letter should specify the amount your company will pay for household goods transport, storage, and valuation along with any limitations or restrictions.
Tax Implications and Assistance
Highlight the significant tax implications associated with global assignments and relocation. Explain the assistance provided, such as pre-assignment/relocation orientation with a third-party tax provider, tax return preparation assistance, and tax equalization. Clearly define the responsibilities of both the employee and the company. If applicable, mention the possibility of including a tax equalization addendum for the employee to sign, as suggested by the company’s tax provider.
Discuss the terms of repatriation, including what support will be provided for reintegration into the home country and how the assignment will influence future career progression. This clarity can ease the transition back and ensure the employee feels valued.
Housing and Settling In Assistance
Getting your employee and their family settled into a new residence helps them return to full productivity quickly. Each employee is unique. Some may need temporary housing while they search for a new residence and your letter should reflect the level of assistance your company provides.
- Temporary Housing: Summarize what provisions the company makes for temporary living and for how long
- Home Finding Travel: Summarize the assistance the company provides, such as home finding trips. Include the number of trips allowed, the expenses covered and the family members approved
- Destination Services: Summarize the services the company provides, which might include home finding assistance, area orientation, contacts with local schools, colleges, medical facilities, etc.
- Long-Term Housing (Assignments Only): Summarize the housing assistance provided, including monthly housing allowance based on family size and location, method of payment, utilities included, and employee responsibilities for maintenance and upkeep
In conclusion, a well-crafted letter of understanding should focus on the employee and highlight the benefits of the new role, generating enthusiasm for the opportunity. Clearly outline expectations and the employee’s responsibilities to avoid any misunderstandings. Summarize the relevant points from the global mobility policy, with a particular focus on the five important topics discussed above.