Just as individuals earning a Business Administration degree in college often go on to earn an MBA, professionals in many segments of the employee relocation industry often seek special certifications that attest to their expertise.
The complicated landscape of employee relocation can divert important resources for companies which try to manage mobility in-house. Relocation management companies (RMCs) alleviate this burden for their clients.
If COVID disruptions weren’t already enough of a challenge for global mobility business leaders to traverse, we can now add in the Great Resignation, a supply chain in disarray and an unpredictable business outlook going into 2022.
While the pandemic’s impact on global businesses is far from being eliminated, COVID numbers may be starting to show some improvement. Although we know that it isn’t over for global mobility managers yet, we are starting to hope that getting back to
What makes one team successful while another bickers and struggles to accomplish anything of substance? I believe it all boils down to one word: accountability.